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 An Introduction to the Cooperation Program between HUAT and WSU

Date:2013-04-20    Author:     Source:    ClickTimes:

On the afternoon of April 18, an introduction was made about the cooperation program between Wayne State University, U.S.A. and Hubei University of Automotive Technology in the lecturing hall of 2402. Professor Simon, the vice president of college of engineering and sciences of WSU, made a brief and vivid introduction about Wayne State University with PPT. Seven candidates took part in the interview for this fall’s admission.

Professor Simon began the introduction with a video and then by means of PPT he gave a more detailed introduction about the basic research information and highlights of research of WSU, college of engineering and sciences and its departments, as well as “3+2” program. Professor Simon also shared with the audience the words and life of Chinese students at WSU, which left a deep impression on all the audience. After explaining the application steps and admission requirements of WSU, Professor Simon answered all the questions asked by students interested in the program.

After the lecture, Professor Simon visited department of materials engineering and its laboratories, department of automotive engineering and its laboratories, student F-1 racing car, energy-saving car studio and so on. In a meeting room in the department of automotive engineering, vice president Luo Yongge met with Professor Simon and had a talk on joint-training program in depth. Also at the meeting were Ma Xun, the director of international cooperation and exchange office, Wang Baohua, the dean of department of automotive engineering and Zeng Daxin, the dean of materials engineering department.