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 Professors from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology visited HUAT

Date:2013-07-07    Author:     Source:    ClickTimes:

Professor Marc Herniter and Zachariah Chambers from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (RHIT) concluded their academic visit on July 6.after 6 days’ full-scheduled and happy work at HUAT.


At the farewell dinner, the two professors expressed their gratitude to the hospitality offered by HUAT and said that HUAT’s undergraduate cultivation plan, research achievement, potentials and development of laboratories had left them deep impression. Huat is the one of the best place they ever worked overseas.


Professor Herniter and Chambers are experts in the field of automobile electricity and new energy. They arrived at HUAT on July 1 with the project of “World-Famous Scientists and Scholars Lecturing at Universities in Hubei Province. During their 6 days’ stay at HUAT they visited labs and experiment center of electrical and information engineering college and automobile engineering college as well as giving lectures to students of college of automotive engineering and learned more detailed information about these colleges, its researches and laboratories. During the visit, vice president Luo Yongge had a meeting with them. He said both universities had something in common in history background, ideas of running a university and undergraduate cultivation plan, and hoped that by learning more about RHIT’s teaching mode HUAT can carry out multi-field cooperation and exchange. Both sides exchanged opinions on matters related to students’ teaching plans, transcripts of GPA and formula student competition team.


In their lecture on the afternoon of July 1, gave two lectures entitled “RHIT introduction, teaching, and research” and “How to apply for great school in the US”. “ RHIT introduction, teaching, and research”and “How to apply for great school in the US. In his lecture, Professor Chambers gave a detailed introduction to RHIT, including its convenient location, abundant and profound historical background as well as its top ranking of undergraduate education in the US News & Word Report. He also made an introduction to how RHIT’s undergraduates make their graduation design and its Eo-car teams. Professor Herniter focused on the American graduate education, including the main difference between research-based private universities and common universities, the necessity of a good command of English, how to apply for RHIT’s graduate school and etc. At the end of the lectures, some students asked questions of their own of interest and the two professors answered their questions in details. 

The two professors’ 6 days’ visit includes 4 days’ short course entitled “Model-based system design” which were attended by sophomores who major in new energy from the College of Automotive Engineering.