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 Two More Students Graduated from Ulm University of Applied Science, Germany

Date:2013-05-15    Author:     Source:    ClickTimes:

After two and half a year’s study from September, 2010 at the Ulm University of Applied Science, Germany, Xia Ming, the student from Class T743-1, was awarded a graduation certificate and a bachelor’s degree and he will be awarded similar certificate and degree in June by HUAT, according to the agreement signed by the two universities. Xia Ming will be the sixth of the students in the program who have obtained double degrees. Like Xia Ming, another student, Yang Xi, who went to Ulm together with Xia Ming will also be awarded double degrees.


Since the “Double Degrees” program between HUAT and the Ulm University of Applied Science started, there have been more than 20 students who have gone to Ulm, and 15 of whom are still studying there. According to the agreement, only students from College of Automotive Engineering can participate in the program in the previous years. But the good news is that after the renewal of the agreement in 2012, students from College of Mechanical Engineering can also participate in the program from now on. This September, another 5 third-year students will begin their study in Ulm, and among whom is a student from College of Mechanical Engineering.