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 HUAT Team Returns with a Runner-up in "President Cup" Table Tennis Competition

Date:2013-11-20    Author:     Source:    ClickTimes:

From November 15th to 17th, the sixteenth University "President Cup" Table Tennis Competition was held in Hubei University with participation of 46 teams from 45 colleges and universities in Hubei Province. The HUAT team, comprised of all the members of the board, including the president and chairman of the board, also participated and won runner-up in the competition. Though very busy during workdays, all team members believe in “taking time to smell the roses.” Therefore, after work or during the weekend, they participate in activities like jogging or playing ping pong and etc.


They live by the slogan, “Be industrious and hard working persistently, and play ping-pong happily, “which contributes a lot to their efficient work, life and rewards from sports games. What should be noticed is that, though ill during the competition, Wang Chao, the chairman of the board, managed to demonstrate his skills and good spirit, and Wang Tianxiang, the vice chairman, won the honor of “excellent athlete” awarded by the committee.