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 All 8 Teams Won Prizes in the National Competition of Mechanical Innovation Design

Date:2014-05-15    Author:     Source:    ClickTimes:

From May 10th to May 11th, HUAT sent 8 teams to participate the National Competition of Mechanical Innovation Design for Undergraduates in Hubei Province 2014 and all the teams won different prizes including four first prizes, three second prizes and one third prize. At the same time, HUAT is awarded by the organization committee as “Excellent Performance in Organization”.


The competition held in Jianghan University in Wuhan, and funded by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance, takes “The Magic Class in My Dream” as its subject and attracted 55 universities in Hubei province and 311 pieces of works. The aim of the competition, which is held twice a year around the nation, is to serve as a guidance for universities to train students with comprehensive abilities such ideas of innovation and design, comprehensive ability of design and esprit de corps, hands-on abilities so they make design work out problems according to what is needed in reality.


The 8 teams selected from 36 candidates of different colleges of HUAT experienced more than 7 months’ contests held by the college of mechanical engineering.