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 Validation Panel from UK Starts to Review the Joint Program between UoB and HUAT

Date:2016-12-01    Author:     Source:    ClickTimes:

As required by Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) of UK, a validation panel from university of Bolton (UOB) with Ms. Gill Waugh as Chairman arrived at HUAT on 29. Nov. and started review on the joint program between the two universities. Mr. Zhang Youbin, vice president of HUAT and directors of related departments and colleges attended the activities.


During the review, all the members of the group had respective interviews with different members of the program, including members of management, students’ representatives, and teachers’ representatives. They also visited the library, digital control labs in the school of electrical and information, the racing car team and automotive engineering labs at the school of automotive engineering.


At the Review meeting, Mr. President Zhang Youbing gave a brief introduction about HUAT, which covers historical background, programs setting, scientific research, educational achievements and international cooperation etc. Mr. Wang Baohua and Ms. Feng Yin and program director Jin Yang exchanged opinions with the guests from UK about the joint program.


The validation panel is satisfied with the teaching facilities and the effort made by HUAT for the joint program. They hope the cooperation between HUAT and UoB would go on long-term basis.


The joint program in Automotive Engineering started in 2015. Most of the core courses are taught in bilingual or English. One third of the core courses are taught by professors from UoB. The students in the program can study at HUAT for four years and get a bachelor’s degree at home, or, if they will, go to UoB in the fourth year and get two bachelor’s degrees from both HUAT and UoB upon their completion of all the required courses and requirements.