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 A Mobilization Meeting Is Held for the Students of Oversea Summer Camp

Date:2018-07-03    Author:     Source:    ClickTimes:

On July 2nd, a mobilization meeting was held for the students of oversea campus 2018. All the students will spend nearly a month living, studying and visiting at University of Bolton, UK. Besides the students, vice president Zhang Youbing and other directors of related departments also attended the meeting.


Ms. Zhang Hongxia, director of teaching department asked the students to bear in mind the purpose and meaning of the summer camp ,and through the experience, she hopes that the students can improving their abilities in learning, thinking, living independently and team spirit. Ms. Ma Xun, director of international cooperation and exchange office, stressed the importance of safety during the period of studying abroad and details related to living, studying and traveling abroad, asking them to make full preparation before departure.


Zhang Youbing congratulated the students who participated in the summer camp and asked the students to attach great importance to learning, observing the disciplines to pay attention to personal, team image and pay attention to safety. He hoped that the students would observe carefully, study carefully, feel carefully and fully display the image of Chinese college students as well as students of HUAT. He concluded his speech by wishing the summer camp a great success.