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 Vice President of FIEA from Italy Visit HUAT

Date:2019-06-04    Author:     Source:    ClickTimes:

On the afternoon of June 3, at the invitation of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office, Gabriele Rivolta, Vice President of Future International Education Association from Italy, together with his team of 3 people, gave a lecture on Italian culture and the joint master degree program for Italian National Universities and the Academies of Fine Arts in the Center of Faculty Development. The lecture was hosted by Su Zibo, deputy director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office. Students from the Department of Industrial Design of the College of Mechanical Engineering attended the lecture.

In response to General Secretary Xi's ’One Belt, One Road’ initiative, Mr. Gabriele Rivolta and his team are committed to building a bridge of Sino-Italian cultural exchange. They gave a detailed introduction to the Italian higher education and joint master degree program as well as the admission requirements for our students’ application, and the students had a better understanding of the program through his vivid demonstration of video and PPT, during which students are always asking questions about their own interests and Gabriele Rivolta answered the students' questions about the program.This lecture has expanded the international vision of students from HUAT and promoted the exchanges and interactions between our university and Italian universities, which is a positive attempt for HUAT to carry forward the strategy of international education for cultivation of talents.