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 Continuing Education Cooperation and Exchange with Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone

Date:2014-03-12    Author:     Source:    ClickTimes:

On March 6th, invited by Wuhan Economics and Technological Development Zone(WEDZ), President Zhong Yuning met with Mr. Zhou Yongshi, the deputy director and held a discussion about continuing education and establishment of production, learning and research base in the Zone. Mr. Dai Binlin, the director of education service center, and Mr. Tong Fei, deputy office director of Zhihui Twon, also attended the meeting.


President Zhong Yuning first introduced the basic situation of HUAT, focusing on the importance of establishment of production, learning and research base in the Zone, its function and relevant issues that needed to be solved with the help of the Zone.


Representing the WEDZ, Mr. Zhou Yongshi welcomed President’s visit and appreciated the idea that HUAT would invest in the construction of the project. He said that there were 9 automobile manufacturing factories with almost 40 thousand staff. But higher education and training resources were scarce, which resulted in more skilled and professional employees. He gave a high opinion on the idea that HUAT would set up Dongfeng Engineers Institute in the Zone and hoped that HUAT would also participate in the construction of IT institute in the Zone.


President Zhong Yuning said HUAT would soon take action to provide service to the development of the Zone by setting up a production, learning and research base to train more skilled and professional talents to meet the demand. He also said that if the condition was not available at the moment, some of the training programs could be carried out at the local campus in Shiyan.


Vice President Luo Yongji, Ms. Ma Xun, Director of Wuhan Office, HUAT and Mr. Guo Douxi, the deputy director of president office also attended the meeting.